Thank you for the information . I live in Tarrant County...a very close neighbor of Johnson County. We already have 2000 gas wells within the city limits.....most of which are not producing, but are spewing out chemicals from the venting.
Thats Terrible. I used to be in old yahoo groups on Free energy and knew a Lawrence Rayburn who supposedly had recreated the Tesla Radiant Energy Collector, called a TREC for short. This same guy had land somewhere in texas where he was getting paid 250k/annually just to let the oil companies pump wastewater back into the ground under his Land. No idea if hes still around. Yahoogroups went the way of the dodo back in 2010 or so. Guess he had no energy bill and didn't have to work since he was getting paid to destroy the ground under his property.
A lot of people thought they were going to make a lot of money...ridiculous. Those of us close to 3 of within 100 ft of our homes fought it in court. The couple that lived the closest - all their koi fish died during the fracking process. They "settled" with me which was peanuts. But the point was lost....we did not want them to drill there and they got their way thanks to the city council
Yeah its disappointing how many prefer to be like the Elites instead of be accountable. Its why I deny Groups my membership, groups always trod over the reasonable in favor of profit or power. I suppose the damage they did makes it difficult for you to relocate away from it? Probably also negatively affected local property valuations as well? I'm in the process of getting divorced after 30 years of marraige, having to sell this place in prosper, which at least is still at a peak price point and probably move to princeton, or pilot point or maybe celina. I don't want to be "in town", but my day job is Voice over IP Architect so need good broadband at least to keep working... which keeps me closer to town than I'd like. Hopefully you are still able to do what you want and have some means of filtering the fumes.
Thank you for your kind words. If I were younger, I would have moved. My house is paid for and has actually gone up in value. After running around the neighborhood for those of us that were called living in the "high impact" area - this was in 2010 - I realized how many people were self consumed and did not have a clue as to the ingredients in the mixture for fracking, how it will continue to come out, etc. I would much prefer to live in cooler climate as well. I had been teaching part time at a small university here until covid, but continue my other job online scoring for a test called TOEFL.
Question for you: I listened to a former barrister and lawyer from Australia on John Campbells you tube channel. They are suing Pfizer and Moderna for not getting a gene therapy okayed. Why isn't a lawyer here doing the same thing? BOTH Pfizer and Moderna knew their jabs were modified rna. That apparently takes a long time to get approved compared to the name "vaccine."
My understanding is that the fed gov Waived all liability for those corporations in the USA so they would agree to go along... that liability waiver has not yet been rescinded... the corporate collusion via the public/private partnership is setup to shield corporations while screwing living individuals. If they suddenly rescind that liability then they might get the corporations to pay a fine, that split a few million ways equates to some 10-100 bux back per person but that will never fix the damage done in taking the injections. Pfizer is a repeat criminal offender, had already paid billion dollar fines before the scamdemic was foisted on Americans. That they call the injections vaccines instead of gene therapy using crispr technology is criminal. Just read an article that said the excess deaths from heart problems was about 18.5%, which if extrapolated to the remaining percentages would take a little over 5 years for everyone injected to be put down by chronic side effects along with compounding the issue with more "injections". That TV series Utopia by john cusack had noted it would take a decade, but it seems to be putting people down at a faster rate than that. And that was just heart related, not immune system or cancers... Supposedly there is some group Trying to Sue, but given that liability waiver I don't know that theres much traction to it. It looks like Paxtons got a suit against Pfizer for their claims too... here:
Thank you for the information . I live in Tarrant County...a very close neighbor of Johnson County. We already have 2000 gas wells within the city limits.....most of which are not producing, but are spewing out chemicals from the venting.
Thats Terrible. I used to be in old yahoo groups on Free energy and knew a Lawrence Rayburn who supposedly had recreated the Tesla Radiant Energy Collector, called a TREC for short. This same guy had land somewhere in texas where he was getting paid 250k/annually just to let the oil companies pump wastewater back into the ground under his Land. No idea if hes still around. Yahoogroups went the way of the dodo back in 2010 or so. Guess he had no energy bill and didn't have to work since he was getting paid to destroy the ground under his property.
A lot of people thought they were going to make a lot of money...ridiculous. Those of us close to 3 of within 100 ft of our homes fought it in court. The couple that lived the closest - all their koi fish died during the fracking process. They "settled" with me which was peanuts. But the point was lost....we did not want them to drill there and they got their way thanks to the city council
Yeah its disappointing how many prefer to be like the Elites instead of be accountable. Its why I deny Groups my membership, groups always trod over the reasonable in favor of profit or power. I suppose the damage they did makes it difficult for you to relocate away from it? Probably also negatively affected local property valuations as well? I'm in the process of getting divorced after 30 years of marraige, having to sell this place in prosper, which at least is still at a peak price point and probably move to princeton, or pilot point or maybe celina. I don't want to be "in town", but my day job is Voice over IP Architect so need good broadband at least to keep working... which keeps me closer to town than I'd like. Hopefully you are still able to do what you want and have some means of filtering the fumes.
Thank you for your kind words. If I were younger, I would have moved. My house is paid for and has actually gone up in value. After running around the neighborhood for those of us that were called living in the "high impact" area - this was in 2010 - I realized how many people were self consumed and did not have a clue as to the ingredients in the mixture for fracking, how it will continue to come out, etc. I would much prefer to live in cooler climate as well. I had been teaching part time at a small university here until covid, but continue my other job online scoring for a test called TOEFL.
Question for you: I listened to a former barrister and lawyer from Australia on John Campbells you tube channel. They are suing Pfizer and Moderna for not getting a gene therapy okayed. Why isn't a lawyer here doing the same thing? BOTH Pfizer and Moderna knew their jabs were modified rna. That apparently takes a long time to get approved compared to the name "vaccine."
My understanding is that the fed gov Waived all liability for those corporations in the USA so they would agree to go along... that liability waiver has not yet been rescinded... the corporate collusion via the public/private partnership is setup to shield corporations while screwing living individuals. If they suddenly rescind that liability then they might get the corporations to pay a fine, that split a few million ways equates to some 10-100 bux back per person but that will never fix the damage done in taking the injections. Pfizer is a repeat criminal offender, had already paid billion dollar fines before the scamdemic was foisted on Americans. That they call the injections vaccines instead of gene therapy using crispr technology is criminal. Just read an article that said the excess deaths from heart problems was about 18.5%, which if extrapolated to the remaining percentages would take a little over 5 years for everyone injected to be put down by chronic side effects along with compounding the issue with more "injections". That TV series Utopia by john cusack had noted it would take a decade, but it seems to be putting people down at a faster rate than that. And that was just heart related, not immune system or cancers... Supposedly there is some group Trying to Sue, but given that liability waiver I don't know that theres much traction to it. It looks like Paxtons got a suit against Pfizer for their claims too... here:
Found this one too.