URL to this View is here.
The availability view from Starlink shows that the most populous areas of the USA are still listed as Waitlisted.
URL here for the above.
Theres a weird blacked out blob at the bottom of New Mexico for some reason.
Its interesting the ground is broken up into hexagons. Its interesting that the area by socorro new mexico and a couple hexagons by santa fe are blacked out, when all the rest of the nation is covered. I wonder why that is.
I also wonder if the reason the starlink internet is waitlisted over the most populous areas is because the bandwidth over those areas is already prepaid for by the FED GOV and its agencies surveilling Americans in America?
Or the satellites traversing the space above the waitlisted areas already have to many subscribers in the waitlisted ares to the point that they can’t pass data from any additional users while traversing those geolocations. Ie. Capacity of the traversing satellites is maxed out over those areas and can’t handle More traffic without additional satellites/bandwidth being made available. Most likely this would be why they have to have so many satellites put in orbit as while they work to increase the satellite Density, the result is increased bandwidth that increases directly with the increased satellites passing thru an area at any given time.
I wonder if the Travel Starlink still works if you buy that but then are physically located inside the waitlisted areas?
Evidently Prices have gone up.
“High speed global internet, up to 220 Mbps download, for critical in-motion applications. Starting at $250/mo with a one-time hardware fee of $2,500. Try for 30 days with a guaranteed full refund on hardware.
For more details, please view our buyer's guide, here. Need a sales representative? Request a sales consultation.”
As noted on the Mobile Starlink page here.