Gianni Dotto and his Ring part Deux
I intend to attempt to replicate this apparatus. I re-read the details available still on rexresearch and noted a couple things that I missed before.
Many thanks to Robert Nelson for maintaining as a site for novel technologies to be reviewed and Found.
The original URL that I take the quotes from below is here.
From prior reads of the dotto ring it was made clear that a copper bar about 1/2inch thick by 9 inches tall, and about 96inches long, wrapped into a circle with a diameter of roughly 27 inches would be the main part of the thermocouple.
The bar would then have a heater strapped to one side and a freezer strapped to the other to setup a temp disparity over the full length of the copper bar bent into a circle of at least 45degrees F. Dotto referred to temp in C and he would note the cold side kept at 0C and the hot side kept at at least 25C, these equate to 32F and 77F respectively as the temp disparity. Thats about a 45 degree offset.
On the side where the copper bars ends came together they would be connected by thermal/electrical insulators to hold those ends in place and then Constantan would be used to bridge that gap, but would need a small silicon bead put between the constantan and the copper on the Cold:Cold junction side, the bead being needed to modulate the 1.9mhz/mc signal that would be setup by the thermal disparity. That modulation would be at about 100khz/kc when it was tuned correctly.
There is a question in my mind of how big the piece of constantan needs to be to facilitate the 10’s of thousands of amps being induced to Flow thermally around the copper bar bridged by constantan with a silicon metal bead on the cold:cold junction.
Per the url Dotto used an electroencephalograph to check the waveform being produced once the thermal disparity was turned on, and would adjust the constantan with silicon bead to get it to produce the correct 1.9mhz signal before then brazing the constantan into place on both ends. (tho not sure how he could braze the constantan to silicon bead to copper junction without the brazing providing a path around that silicon bead. )
On top of this, once the ring was powered by the thermal disparity, the ring itself would have to be made to Move at a constant slow rate of 1-1/2 inches per second. Presumably this would be made to move from the feet to the head and back again, for multiple passes to produce the necessary affectation on the one put within its diameter.
All of the above can be found plainly, if ones detailed, in the URL noted at the top of this article. I’ve ordered some small samples of silicon metal beads and will have to play with the isotan ribbon I have to see about molding it into a rod or small bar to use to bridge the gap on the copper bar I purchased for this purpose.
At this point, pointing out the below quote from that URL becomes of use.
“In modern civilization, where the entire environmental surrounding is bound to destroy humanity, the above conditions are essential for survival. While natural food consumption maintains the proper mineral balance, and may maintain the enzyme proportion in the high level, the most important factor is to supply the body with enough energy to maintain the magnetic field as described above. However, we must clarify that we call the magnetic force any energy capable of attracting or repelling matter. In reality, there are four different types of magnetic force, each one caused by a different physical phenomenon.
(1) Permanent Magnet ~ If we try to magnetize a copper bar, we will never succeed because in the copper the outer orbit of the electrons increases the kinetic energy without shifting electrons from one orbit to another. We will obtain the same effect if we try to magnetize a bar of nickel.
Now let's take a copper-nickel alloy, such as alnickel, and expose it to the EMF of a high inductive coil. The directional spinning of the electrons' orbit in the nickel does not change, but the orbital spinning of the electrons in the copper reverses its direction. Result: any atom of nickel strongly attracts an atom of copper, creating a bipole. The energy summation of all bipoles combined creates one of the strongest permanent magnets on the market --- alnickel V. Every permanent magnet then must be composed of at least two different atoms, one of which is willing to change the orbital spinning direction of the electrons. This type of permanent magnet is not recommended for any therapeutic purpose for the human body.
While in mice tests this type of permanent magnet seems to be very promising (Barnothy, Pressman, etc.), the physical working principle is similar to the H bonds' attraction that holds together the DNA. The tumor in the mouse disappears due to the disassembly of the DNA in the affected cell by the demagnetization effect of the H bonds. At the same time the genetic code of the healthy cell is also altered and the consequences in the following generations could be very undesirable.
(2) Electromagnet ~ This type of magnetic field obeys the third Newtonian law of motion (to every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction).
If an iron bar is inserted in the center of an inductive coil, every electron traveling along the coil wire forces one electron in the iron bar to travel in the opposite direction. This type of magnetic field is not recommended for any therapeutic purposes. On the contrary, it has been proved to be detrimental even in mice tests. Electrons flowing along the magnetic coil will shift electrons from one part of the body to another. In this process RNA type viruses of negative polarity will be shifted from diseased cells to healthy cells in the same fashion as electrons. Furthermore, the shifting of electrons deprives the healthy cells of the energy necessary to support life and will produce severe side effects of dizziness that will last for several days thereafter.
(3) Electrostatic Attraction ~ When we rub a bar of hard rubber or a bar of amber, one acquires electrons in excess and the other loses electron from the outer shell orbit. Consequently, one will attract particles rich in electrons and the other will attract particles poor of electrons. This type of magnetic attraction is not recommended because one will weaken the energy of the normal cells; the other will increase the negative potential of the skin of the cancer cell, thus facilitating the growth of the cancer.
(4) Thermomagnetic Field ~ The thermomagnetic field is the product of the Thompson-Peltier effects combined, known in physics as the Seebeck Effect.
The thermomagnetic field is responsible for the general gravitation system: heat (sun) attracts cool (planet) and vice versa. According to Dotto law:
F = G M'M"/[sq root of] 1-(K'/Pamu/K"/Eamu 4/3 pi)2 / R2 / [sq. root of]1-(K"/K1)2
K' = warmest body; K" = coolest body; Pamu = 1.00759; Eamu = 0.00055; G = 6.66 x 10-8 cm3 g-1 sec-2
The Newtonian law of attraction F = G (M'M"/R2) can be applied only between two masses having the same temperature.
This type of magnetic field is the only type of energy proven to be beneficial to animals and humans. Since humans have lived in this constant magnetic or gravitational field for millions of years, the body has become very sensitive to any variation.”
The above gives the reasoning for his attempt to create this particular thermocouple and apply it to ones iteration of form.
But there was some missed bit I hadn’t accounted for in my prior readings which now sticks out to me due its claim you don’t need to have any spiffy apparatus to produce the same sort of “charging” effect of the iteration of ones form.
It was this bit:
“If a Rochelle slat crystal is rapidly cooled from 25° to 0° C., the polarization increases so fast that the normal conductivity cannot bring about equilibrium and a transient potential as great as a thousand volts can be produced between two electrodes contacting the crystal (Ruben).
Since in the isolated virus crystal, the RNA or DNA type core acts as an electrode between the two poles, when the voltage potential overcomes the core's DC resistance, the energy discharges across it will be so great as to disintegrate the virus core a common electric fuse. The same phenomena, of course, is applied to the joint virus (one DNA and one RNA type) existing in the cell nucleus and responsible for the DNA creation. Because of the electrical principle that in an inductance, two joint EMFs opposite and contrary eliminate each other, no voltage will appear across the joint virus.
In an experiment with dying AKR mice (mice carrying leukemia), a constant laboratory temperature of 35° was maintained. The cage containing the mice was placed two times a day for 20 minutes each time in a small refrigerator where temperature was kept at 0° C. After 5 days of treatment the mice were sacrificed and pathological studies revealed no evidence of lymphosarcoma. A piezobaric chamber, where a temperature body change of 25° C can be obtained in less than 1 minute, is under construction to repeat the experiment.”
What the above hints at is that ones body has a set rate of conduction which can be affected by abrupt thermal gradients applied to the iteration of form.
To my mind this now explained the people who like to go do that polar bear dip in the middle of winter. Going from indoor temps of 77 degrees out into frigid waters of 33-34degrees would cause this instant thermal change, which would cause the bodies own potentials to build up as they tried to align with the new thermal temp surrounding oneself.
This also potentially means that one doesn’t have to build the ring if ones willing to get themselves up to Temp outdoors in the 80-90degree heat, and then go step into a deep freeze for 20 minutes to abruptly change their core temperature which should result in an energy gain in ones iteration of form thats sufficient to correct the diseased cells. Those cryo-shaping places might induce a similar effect if ones temp is at least 45F above the temp target the cryo machines apply to ones skin.
It would be worth trying to see if setting up in a hot steam room and then moving to a frigid room wouldn’t then induce that same benefit. Lacking that, make use of the winter and an outdoor river or lake so that when you go from indoors to outdoors you realize the temp change of at least 45 degrees and stay in the cold long enough for it to saturate oneself. The only drawback here is I don’t know anyone that can hold their breath for 20 minutes so ones head would not be underwater very long. Also be sure to take precautions because being in freezing water for 20 minutes will likely induce hyperthermia and one does not want to Die while trying to heal ones iteration of form. The mice were put in a fridge where air would have been the contact medium, so a lesser time is perhaps needed for being in Water since it has a better ability at transfering heat via surface contact. Air takes a longer time to potentially alter ones temp, tho it has the benefit of being breathed in so may affect additional cooling internal as well as whats happening on ones skin.
It would be interesting to see if such has a positive effect on dealing with cancer. If anyone has cancer and gives this sort of thing a try, please do comment and share your personal experience with the treatment attempt.
Almost time to push the Accountability or Revolution as the options for the clown authorities as well. Make sure the wannabe “representatives” understand if they go the revolution route, they’ll be the first to be sorted for having not done their duty to the people they pretend to represent.